Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Where have all the gentleman gone?

Now, I know that I am not the perfect lady. I have a dirty mouth and an even dirtier mind; not very "lady-like" of me... but where have all the good guys gone? Do women not raise their sons to be good men anymore? If this is where manhood is heading our species is in trouble as we know it! What does it mean to be a "gentleman" anyways?

Last night I went out to the graduate with my best friend, my boyfriend and this guy that my friend is dating. The two of them were playing a game of pool and my boyfriend and I were just watching while we finished our beers and then we would proceed home. Well Tony, the guy that Chelsie was playing pool with wasn't playing so good. Cheslie was killing him in the game and I said to him "maybe you should let me take your next shot for you." "why" he asked. "Because it can't get much worse" I responded. I guess that this was some sort of capital offense against his manhood. I didn't say the comment out of mockery or to razz his game even. I said it in a jokingly manner and didn't mean anything deep by it. He began to pout automatically putting away his stick and getting out quarters in order to return the balls for his ID. Chelsie went over and talked to him for a minute and he wouldn't listen to her. As he was walking way I began to call after him to apologize for offending him and to tell him that I didn't mean anything by the comment. As he looks at me, he flips me off.

Like seriously? Is that how your mother raised you? To flip girls off while they're going to apologize? This guy is 27 too, you'd think that now he'd of learned that that's not the way that you treat women, or anyone for that matter. I feel like there are constant ways that guys diminish their gentleman capacity on a daily basis. To find a guy that IS a gentleman is a rarity and something worth fighting for (or flipping someone off for)!

I just laughed it off that he can be such an asshole. He proved to me that he isn't worth my time nor worth any of my respect. I'm not the one who has to put up with his personality, Chelsie is. I really appreciate my gentleman/non-asshole of a boyfriend.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Ladies Night"

I think that I need to start having a declared "Ladies Night". I never set aside a specific time for my girlfriends. It is always just me squeezing them in around my other plans (mostly plans with my boyfriend, Patrick). For example, I'll take a friend with me and him when we go ride bikes somewhere, or I'll be home on the weekend because Patrick is out of town. Always when I stay home on the weekend as oppose to going to his house I have a great time with Chelsie. We always have a new adventure and story.

Patrick has a "boys night". And its every Thursday! I mean once a week?!? I would be willing to only attend this kind of thing maybe every other Saturday Night. I feel like I do not take the time to properly appreciate my friends. Although, I have flaky enough friends that they would be the ones unable to make a commitment to a weekly or bi-weekly event. Its not like Patrick goes out with tons of dudes on a Thursday Night... he just watches a movie with his one friend from work. I guess that I wouldn't have to do anything big, but I feel that its important to do something that will allow me to appreciate other people important in my life besides my boyfriend.

Alternative Christmas

This year for Christmas one thing that I am doing is giving Alternative Christmas gifts. My greedy friends don't need gifts anyways. We are so blessed just by the fact that we live in America. I mean, try really hard to think of something that you can't live without this year... I bet that you probably CAN live without it. Was it food that you thought of? or a warm place to sleep at night? Probably not.

This year I participated in Patrick's family gift exchange. I drew this 19 year old boy to buy a gift for. Granted that I am still going to give him a gift certificate for Rasputin Music, but he also is going to get 6 Moringa trees planted somewhere in the world in his name. The tree is used as a vital food staple in third world countries. I purchased this gift through Trees for life. There are many great opportunities for alternative gift giving through various projects, like the Heifer Project International, or trees for life. They are worth checking out and the smallest donation can help someone around the world. I may not be an Angelina Jolie Philanthropist, but I try to do my part, to minimize my footprint left on Earth, to help God's great Plan... The only gifts worth getting at Christmas time are true and genuine Emotions and feelings.

Bidwell Park

Saturday, I managed to convince Chelsie that the afternoon would be better spend hiking through Bidwell Park as oppose to watching her brother Eric draining away at the Playstation. It was a sunny day so it only took a little convincing. Eric hasn't left the television screen since he arrived at our house on Wednesday, except to smoke. I was happy that we were getting out of the house. I hardly ever get to go out with Chelsie and my boyfriend anywhere because she isn't a big fan of being the third wheel of any party. It came in handy that Justin and Eric were with us, and that Justin hasn't ever been to upper park before. I mean Justin was here visiting her, does she think he'll want to sit around the house all day? The comedy began when Eric agreed to come on the trip. He wasn't use to walking, nor hiking up to the top of the North Ridge. And So the trip began...

Me and Patrick drove our own car and Chelsie followed us in her bright red 2008 Jeep Wrangler. At first we thought maybe we should just go off roading with the 4 wheel drive, but the day was too beautiful to spend it in a car. We arrived at the park and Eric's whining began automatically. We climbed the North Ridge and enjoyed the beautiful view that it gave us of Chico. The Sun was high in the sky and the wind was really blowing on top of the ridge. We enjoyed the view while waiting for Eric to make it to the top to catch up with us. Justin took pictures of rocks and and so did Patrick (they do everything alike). We made it to the top of the ridge and walked on for a while after Eric caught up with us. Chelsie and I wanted to stop for a smoke break so we had to huddle behind a rock to shield us from the wind. Sitting there looking out at the top of the ridge it looked like a deserted land. Now that Chelsie was high, she wanted to forge her own trail to the bottom of the ridge and back to the road. Despite all of our suggestions, she did it anyways. Now that we were back to ground level we hiked along the Yahi trail being that its much more level and that would help to minimize Eric's whining... until he realized that he dropped his cigarettes somewhere within the last two miles... The group was ready to call it quits and start walking back to the cars (via Eric's manipulation) but I convinced the group to keep going until we got to Diversion Dam. Its a Beautiful place that Justin hasn't ever seen before and I do love to be there and enjoy natures beauty, plus we totally had enough daylight left! When we made it, everyone was happy that we forged on the trek. The Creek was flowing viciously, and it was about 4 o'clock so the sun reflected off the water like some sort of Hollywood Heaven. After that, we walked back to the car and went and got some Pizza at Left Coast. We were starving after our long four hour hike. I'm glad that I was able to enjoy this day. It helps remind me not to take anything for granite. The beautiful day, the fresh clean air, the view, the company of good friends... sometimes its the littlest things that we forget to enjoy. The jokes we shared about Eric being out of shape, watching Chelsie scale down the North Ridge, seeing the similarities between Justin and Patrick. How many of these little things do you let fly past without thinking about?

Justrick Patin

When I came home on Thursday morning from the night at Patrick's house I had nothing but my purse and a box of cookies. It was already around eleven o'clock so the day was well on the way to an excellent beginning. I walked in the front door and we have a house guest sleeping on the couch. Justin was a really nice guy. I liked him from the start. Granted that it would have been a little nice to have some kind of warning that I was about to embark upon being a hostess for five days, but it worked out in the end. I offered him a cookie and carried on with my day by going to class. When I got out of class and came back home again we were given the opportunity to talk and find out our common interests. The more and more I listened to him tell me about himself the more I realized that he is exactly like my boyfriend. Great news for me, and for Justin too, Patrick is a great person. Justin stayed with us through the weekend and he was able to meet Patrick. I think we may have found a biological sibling of Patrick's. Justin could be his brother. They shared common interests, shared the same thoughts, had the same personality and sense of humor. The had the same posture and body gestures. They even had matching sunglasses. What are the odds of this? They are interchangeable! My theory is that Patrick was an illegitimate love child conceived on the side, that's why he was put up for adoption. I believe that this goes to show that it really is a small world. People that are meant to meet will. Who are you destined to meet today?

New Blog

Originally (as in last week) I was going to make a blog with my best friend Chelsie, but that didn't turn out to be everything I'd anticipated due to the fact that I can't really access it myself. So I started my own. I keep a hand written journal already that is very private to me, so I guess that I could just see this as my censored version of private. We'll have to see how this goes. I always have funny little things happen to me. And it seems that I am always trying to learn things the hard way, but hey at least I enjoy it while I can! I hope that this blog turns out to be everything you anticipated, (more importantly, everything that I anticipated). Good luck and good day!